Remember Ted who wouldn't stand still at the mounting block?
At long last we are getting there!
Ted came to his current owners with a serious hang-up about mounting blocks. Getting him near one was the first challenge... and standing still while trying to mount a whole different ball game! But standing still & patiently is absolutely crucial for the owners as they would otherwise be unable to mount unaided and ride him.
So we've been trying various approaches and methods to solve the mounting block challenge, but all just with limited success – until now J. Jo did some research / homework watching some ‘Intelligent Horsemanship’ (Kelly Marks) videos and put her learning into practice for the last two weeks. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I turned up to our session last week, as Ted stood quietly and patiently at the block, allowing Jo and me to get on board without moving a muscle. What a fantastic result!
However… it turns out Ted only likes the wooden mounting block OUTSIDE the arena and NOT the blue plastic one INSIDE the arena J So we still got our work cut out, but I’m so pleased with the progress that’s been made thus far – as they say: don’t despise the days of small beginnings. Well done Joanne!
I've also started schooling Ted in autumn last year to get him back to fitness and we're making great progress. Ted's balance and core strength have improved enormously. Where he was previously unable to transition into canter correctly on the right rein, this is now no longer a problem, and his canter is no longer flat and sloppy. I’ve also started with lateral work in walk, and today he’s given me some great steps in shoulder-in.
Ted is a very smart horse and a quick learner, and as his fitness is improving, he’s really starting to enjoy his work.
The aim of our coaching sessions is to prepare Joanne & Ted for a local show this summer and put Ted’s hooves perhaps to an Intro dressage test. So onwards and upwards we go J
The photos below were taken during sessions in autumn last year.
Have a great week, and as always - feel free to share & comment.
Bea :)